The Captain Bob
Summers in Bayview was an awesome time for my good friend Stan, and me. He and I had an unshakable habit of taking the short walk down to the Canarsie Pier every Tuesday and spending the day fishing and talking about anything that came to mind.
We loved fishing. Stan enjoyed eating the fish, I, not so much. But I always found the fishing part to be so much fun.
In our world, Tuesdays had been dubbed “Fishing Tuesday”. Even now, I have flashbacks of nothing but fun.
There were many days in which he and I stood at the Canarsie Pier as we watched the Captain Bob fishing boat roll in and dock once again. It was something we tried to do as often as we could, as our own fishing day off the pier was coming to a close.
The lines appeared as large numbers of people formed to get their turns to buy fish from the fishermen.
These men and women had boarded the boat at seven o’clock that morning to head out to the deep blue sea for a day of fun fishing and making their fishing dreams come true.